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Connect Google Account

After connecting your Google account you will be able to view analytics on Dashboard, Manage your reviews and create a Widget for your website.


To connect your source please follow these steps:

  1. Click the Platforms tab in the left menu.
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  1. Select Goole Reviews.
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  1. Enter the name of your business in Google and its address. Once you have entered the name and address of your business, please click Search. Tip: You can copy the name and address from your Google Mu Business listing card. This will make it easier to find and identify your business.
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Select your business from the drop-down list.

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Once you have selected your business, please click Connect.

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Once you have connected your Google, it will take some time for our system to synchronise your reviews. The synchronisation time depends on the number of reviews in your profile.

Once all reviews are synced you will see a green status of Connected.

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Once your reviews are synced, you can view detailed analytics in the Dashboard tab.

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You can also manage and respond to your reviews with AI in the Reviews tab.

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