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Log in to your Joomla website's admin panel.

Click “System” menu option.

In the opened “System Dashboard”, find and click the “Site templates” menu option.

In the list of your templates, find and click on the name of template which you are using for now.

In the files list, find index.php file and click on it.

Scroll down the file contents and find HTML tag.

Paste the TrustHero HTML code before closing tag.

IMPORTANT: Remove HTML tag with id “TrustHero” from tag. You need to only tag left.

Then, click “Save & Close” button.

For now, we’ve added TrustHero script for all pages using global index.php theme file, let’s put widget in selected article.

After save, click on “Close” button.

Then, click on “Content” menu item, and in opened menu click “Articles”.

In articles list choose article which need to paste TrustHero widget, and click on it’s name.

In opened article editor, click “View” -> “Source code+”.

In the opened “Source code” window, paste the TrustHero HTML code in place you want to show widget.

IMPORTANT: Remove HTML tag from code you paste. You need to only tag left.

Then, click “Ok” button.

And final step: click “Save and Close” button.

Congratulations! You have added a TrustHero widget to your Joomla page. Open page article and check it out.